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Simple Camera-to-2D-LiDAR CalibrationMethod for General Use

Published in International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), 2020

This paper proposes a new method of feature correspondence between lidar and rgb camera sensors capable of calibrating the two-sensor system from a single sample.

Recommended citation: A. Palmer, C. Peterson, J. Blankenburg, D. Feil-Seifer, M. Nicolescu, "Simple Camera-to-2D-LiDAR Calibration Method for General Use." in International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), Jul. 2020.


Simple Camera-to-2D-LiDAR CalibrationMethod for General Use

Submitted to International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), 2020

This paper proposes a new method of feature correspondence between lidar and rgb camera sensors capable of calibrating the two-sensor system from a single sample.

Recommended citation: A. Palmer, C. Peterson, J. Blankenburg, D. Feil-Seifer, M. Nicolescu, "Simple Camera-to-2D-LiDAR Calibration Method for General Use." in International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), Jul. 2020.



Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

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